Real Life Work for 2012 and Beyond!

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I've been on Hiatus folks! Sorry to leave you hanging on for words. I am a busy ass man most days and nights. If not work, it's my personal life taking on a toll on me. But guess what, I'm not complaining at all, just stating facts.

For example, my car is currently in the shop. I've had my "dinosaur" for a while; parked and catching bird droppings at Boss's crib. I finally decided, I might as well put it to use. I mean, after all, its mine---and that's just the truth. No need to be so cheap, I don't have any responsibility other than myself at the moment. The insurance, tax, tag, and title fees were nothing; but those dang repair costs are extreme!

Pull out the Ramen noodles and salt packets! That's gonna be my "din din" for a couple of pay periods until I get back on my budget. How's that for honesty! It's my decision, I don't mind the wait either. It's gonna be on though.

And Allspice? Has been working a lot of nerves. I'm not in 100% agreement with everything going on but that's LIFE IN A "NUT"SHELL, YA FEEL ME! I try to focus on our eye candy at every chance I get and daydream myself into a stimulating situation of ecstasy. And you wonder why I am always SMILING, go figure!

Yes, I went to the gutter; but sometimes I think that's okay! Lol. Anyway, scheduling, cliques, and all kinds of behavior add to the flavor of the job. These make for very interesting points and conversation.

Things have been "tossed up" like Caesar salad in there! People have been sending out "mixed signals" and so, the plot thickens.

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